Good Night

22. September 2022

Nightmares can really spoil our well-deserved sleep. In general, bad dreams are not that unusual, at least as long as they do not constantly interfere with your sleep and permanently rob you of your rest. Find out how nightmares occur and what you can do to combat them. 

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04. August 2022

Homemade remedies against mosquitoes are no good? In times of modern anti-mosquito plugs with ultrasound, traditional methods seem to be more and more forgotten. But old-fashioned homemade remedies can certainly help combat the pesky bloodsuckers. We present you the best mosquito repellents.

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28. July 2022

Almost everyone has experienced leg cramps at night before. Suddenly you feel a twinge in your calf and a sharp pain startles you out of your sleep. Here you can find out what causes leg cramps at night and how you can successfully prevent them. 

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07. July 2022

Do you often feel a pinching and pulling in your back when you wake up in the morning? Can you at times hardly stand up because of the pain? We explain how a good mattress and physical well-being are connected and how you can avoid pain during the night in the future.

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23. June 2022

When your thoughts keep spinning and counting sheep no longer helps, there's another secret weapon: podcasts to fall asleep to. Melodious voices distract you from your own thoughts and you can kiss sleep problems goodbye. We'll tell you what you need to watch out for to get to the land of dreams quickly.

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03. June 2022

Bedtime yoga helps to reduce stress and relaxes your whole body. Find out here, which exercises can help you fall asleep better and achieve a deeper and more restful sleep.

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13. May 2022

Sleeping through the night represents the ultimate standard of healthy sleep. Get inspired by our tips for a restful night's sleep to help you sleep through the night – and regain energy to enjoy your life to the fullest.

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04. May 2022

Your sleeping position is as individual as you are and has a major impact on a restful night's sleep. If you sleep in the wrong position, you risk long-term health problems such as neck pain and back tension.

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21. April 2022

Too little sleep has slowly but surely become a widespread affliction. We will tell you why you should avoid sleep deprivation for the sake of your health. We will also give you tips on how you can best achieve the goal of getting enough sleep.

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