Tips against leg cramps at night

Almost everyone has experienced leg cramps at night before. Suddenly you feel a twinge in your calf and a sharp pain startles you out of your sleep. The pleasant night's rest is over for the time being. When the pain finally subsides, you are probably wondering what measures you can take to relax your muscles so that it won't happen again. Here you can find out what causes leg cramps at night and how you can successfully prevent them.
Leg cramps at night - a rude awakening
Nobody likes to wake up from a pleasant slumber. Especially not when leg cramps jolt you out of sleep at once. The muscle cramps occur at night without warning and can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. However, they can feel like they last for hours, because the sudden twinge in the calf is usually extremely painful. Once the unpleasant cramps are finally over, most people find it difficult to relax and fall asleep again. Particularly severe leg cramps can even leave you with sore muscles. In this case, you will be reminded of the unpleasant incident for a few days. But what causes the painful muscle cramps?
What causes leg cramps at night?
Often it is no longer possible to say why exactly a cramp has overtaken you. But there are common causes of leg cramps at night that provide a good explanation in most cases.
Lack of fluids
Many seniors are plagued by leg cramps at night. This is no coincidence, as this demographic often has trouble drinking enough during the day. Especially in summer, when you sweat a lot and lose important minerals in the process, it is important to drink a lot and make sure you replenish your fluids. If you suffer from muscle cramps in your calves at night, you should therefore reach for a glass of water more often.
You have probably seen pictures of athletes grabbing their calves, their faces contorted in pain. Professional athletes demand maximum performance from their bodies, which is not without consequences. But even as an amateur athlete, you can get a calf cramp. If you push yourself too hard during a workout, this can result in leg cramps at night.
Lack of exercise
Ironically, lack of exercise can also be responsible for leg cramps at night. If you have a sedentary job during the day and don't get enough exercise in your daily life, your muscle fibers shorten. This makes you more susceptible to cramps.
Magnesium deficiency
A deficiency of magnesium is repeatedly associated with muscle cramps. Pregnant women, who have an increased need for the mineral, are especially at risk.
Do you like to eat fast food? If so, your nightly leg cramps may indicate that your body is lacking in minerals.
Excessive alcohol consumption
Who doesn't enjoy a glass of wine before bed every now and then? But if nightly leg cramps are causing you to lose sleep, you'd better rethink your alcohol consumption. Alcohol intoxication upsets your body's fluid regulation and thus promotes the occurrence of muscle cramps. Instead, try one of our alternative nightcap ideas to help you unwind in the evening.
Medication use
Some medications can promote leg cramps at night. These include laxatives and other dehydrating medications that interfere with your body's fluid and mineral balance.
Why do muscle cramps occur at night of all times?
Calf cramps tend to occur at night and disturb our sleep. This is no coincidence, because as you know by now, a lack of fluids and minerals is one of the main causes of muscle cramps, along with physical overload. If you really work out during the day or sweat a lot in the summer, you lose too many electrolytes and upset your fluid balance. At night, your body shows you this deficiency through calf cramps.
In addition, the problem of nightly leg cramps is fueled by the fact that our magnesium levels naturally drop during periods of rest. If your body was already low on magnesium beforehand, this can quickly lead to a leg cramp at night. Another, albeit rare, reason for a cramp at night can be a chill in your calf muscles. If you are a particularly sensitive person and your legs protrude from under your covers while you sleep, this can promote leg cramps at night.
How can I prevent leg cramps?
Leg cramps at night are usually very painful. Therefore, it is good to know how you can stop them quickly. If a calf cramp occurs, most people often intuitively apply the right remedy by stretching their muscles. Counter-tension loosens the muscle, which is why calf cramps can be quickly contained with the right stretching exercises. For example, you can step on your heel and pull your toes toward your body. But the best medicine is still prevention. In order to enjoy relaxed sleep without painful calf cramps in the future, there are a few things you can do.
- Drink 2-3L of water throughout the day
- If you sweat a lot, quickly compensate for the loss of minerals.
- Do not overwork during exercise and be sure to include stretching exercises at the beginning and end of your workout to loosen your muscles.
- Avoid alcohol, which dehydrates your body, or at least mix your red wine with mineral water to make a wine spritzer
- Eat a balanced diet with magnesium-rich foods such as whole grains, nuts or bananas
- Get enough exercise during the day, for example by taking a walk in the fresh air or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Before bed, yoga helps relax your muscles - and your mind, too.
Although it can be uncomfortable to be jolted out of sleep by painful leg cramps, they are usually harmless and no cause for concern. Only if nightly leg cramps occur more frequently and increase in intensity should you contact your family doctor to be on the safe side. Usually, however, you can already successfully counteract them with our tips and soon enjoy carefree dreams again without rude interruptions.
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Creative Cat Studio / Adobe
Maddi Bazzocco /
Danny G /
Alora Griffiths /