Why we have nightmares and how to get rid of them

22. September 2022

Nightmares can really spoil our well-deserved sleep. Often, we wake up jerkily, sometimes even drenched in sweat and with a racing heart. Pursued by a monster, eye to eye with a dangerous animal, locked up with no way out - these and many other scenarios can haunt us in a nightmare. In general, bad dreams are not that unusual, at least as long as they do not constantly interfere with your sleep and permanently rob you of your rest. Find out how nightmares occur and what you can do to combat them. 

How do nightmares develop?  

Creepy figures or frightening situations in dreams have a real impact on the body - and sometimes also on the psyche. The heart begins to beat rapidly, breathing becomes more rushed, muscles tense. Those who wake up from a nightmare can usually remember the events of the dream very well. For children, but also for adults, this often makes it difficult to fall back to sleep.

But how do nightmares develop? Why do we have bad dreams even though we don't want to? Having a nightmare now and then is quite normal and can have various causes. The most common causes of nightmares are:

  • Stress
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Burnout
  • Psychological strain
  • Physical illnesses

Stress and burnout

General well-being is closely related to good sleep. This means, in turn, that stress and tension often have a negative effect on the sleep quality. Constant stress as well as physical and mental exhaustion promote nightmares. You may have experienced that all the tasks you have to do, the pressure from work, or the argument with another person have haunted your dreams!? During sleep, the brain processes the worries and stress of everyday life – and then sometimes imagines unpleasant or even frightening scenarios.

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders are usually characterized by very restless sleep and frequent awakenings during the night. Both of these things may contribute to you having bad dreams as well as remembering your nightmares more often. This creates the impression that you suffer more than usual from anxiety dreams.

Psychological strain

Psychological stress, for example due to difficult life situations, as well as psychological illnesses like depression or anxiety disorders can cause nightmares. Tension and imbalance are transferred into sleep, the emotions transform within the dream into images that instill fear or burden self-worth.

Physical illnesses

Physical illness or pain can also promote restless sleep and cause inner turmoil. Nightmares may occur more frequently during this phase.

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What do nightmares signify?  

The process of dream interpretation follows the question which meanings might lie behind dreams – particularly nightmares. The focus lies on scenarios, not unique to one person, but familiar to many people. These are, for example:

  • falling infinitely from a great height
  • being chased
  • losing a loved one

Behind these and other dream symbols often lie fears and worries that the subconscious mind tries to process through the dream. For example, if you feel helpless because of a certain situation or are afraid of the future, this feeling can express itself in the dream scenario of falling. Persecution in a dream could indicate that you are shying away from a conflict that is brewing in real life. Fears of loss can also be reflected in nightmares. As you can see, nightmares can often be linked to your own state of mind.

Fictitious or post-traumatic - types of nightmares  


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Two types of nightmares can be distinguished: fictional, also called idiopathic, and post-traumatic nightmares. 

In most cases, nightmares are fictitious. Even if they are based on emotions, fears, or worries from everyday life, the scenarios did not really happen. Dream symbols from movies, games, or books may also occur.

A post-traumatic nightmare, on the other hand, is based on a real trauma. Characteristic here is that the same dream recurs regularly. The traumatic experience is relived again and again in the dream. In this case, treatment is advisable to work through the events. 

What can be done to combat nightmares? 

If you are rarely awakened from sleep by a nightmare, there is no reason to worry. It's only when the bad dreams start to accumulate and have a negative impact on your sleep, well-being, or self-esteem that you should take action. Some measures can help you deal better with nightmares and even avoid them.

Dream diary

Anxiety dreams are often still very present after waking up. Take advantage of this fact and write down the dream in a diary. Then think about how you would change the dream to take away its terror. This will help you regain a sense of control.

Nightly media consumption

Often the cause of a bad dream can simply be traced back to a horror movie, a scary thriller or a nerve-racking computer game. If you notice that certain media genres engage your mind too much and promote nightmares, you should cut back on their consumption - at least before bedtime.

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Reduce stress & use relaxation techniques

Stress is a persistent obstacle to a good night's sleep. Try to have some downtime from your stressful daily routine before you go to sleep. Relaxation techniques and rituals can help to avoid taking fears and worries with you into your sleep. Unresolved conflicts can also lead to regular nightmares. Therefore, try facing the causes of your bad dreams – it will surely help you in everyday life as well.

Talk to others

If you don't know what's behind a recurring nightmare, or if you can't shake off the bad feeling when you're awake, it helps to talk. Talk to a familiar person about the nightmare and what it does to you. In this way, you may gain a new perspective on the causes of the dream, and in any case, you can be comforted! 

When do nightmares merit a visit to the doctor? 

Can nightmares also become a case to see a doctor? Yes, if regular anxiety dreams place a heavy burden on the psyche and health. Post-traumatic anxiety dreams in particular are often not easily dispelled by relaxation rituals. Often, therapy is necessary to work through experiences and cope with the underlying issues. 

If sleep disorders contribute to your nightmares, it's worth going to the doctor as well. Restless sleep with many breaks is not healthy in the long run. Concentration problems, mood swings, and more can be the consequences. Therefore, it is important to identify the causes of the sleep disorder and to treat them. Then, quiet and undisturbed sleep will surely be possible again soon!

Photo credits:

SergeyNivens / canva.com
KatarzynaBialasiewicz / canva.com
Sergey Nivens / canva.com
Johnstocker / canva.com

Categories: Good Night