Sleeping Outside: Camping under the Stars

Sleeping outside
12. July 2024

There really is nothing better than sleeping in your own bed. However, sleeping outside on warm summer nights can be an exciting change. A night outdoors is not only exciting, but also very romantic. There are a few things you should bear in mind so that you can sleep well outdoors and don't have any tension or back pain the next morning. Keep reading to find out what you should absolutely not miss on your camping trip so that you can enjoy your night outdoors to the full.

Sleeping outside under the open sky: a summer adventure

In summer, many people develop a thirst for adventure. After all, being able to sleep outside on balmy nights and watch the stars is a welcome escape from everyday life. Plus, you don't need any expensive equipment: pack a sleeping bag or hammock and you're ready to go camping in the open air! Sleeping outside offers numerous advantages:


  • Enjoying freedom: For many people, sleeping outside is the simplest way to feel free. Far away from society and surrounded by nature, we can experience deep relaxation and recharge our batteries.  The fresh air invigorates our senses and there is hardly a better way to wake up than to the gentle chirping of birds.
  • Collecting new memories: Out in nature, you have the chance to create unforgettable memories. Whether you're building a campfire and roasting marshmallows at the campsite or enjoying the sunset as a couple far away from prying eyes, bivouacking is a great way to make memories.
  • Leaving everyday life behind: Sleeping outside is all about leaving your familiar home for a change and getting away from it all in the great outdoors. In this new sleeping environment, our worries and concerns often seem smaller and we may gain a new perspective on problems that previously seemed unsolvable.
  • Feeling connected to nature: Nature has an invigorating effect on our body and mind. Especially people who live in the city can benefit from recharging their batteries in the countryside from time to time.

camping mit familie

Am I allowed to camp anywhere?

If you fancy spending a night outdoors, there is one important point to consider first: are you allowed to roll out your camping mat anywhere or is this only permitted on a campground? If you've never spent a night outdoors before, you'll need to do a little research first as the legal situation can vary from place to place. You can find out what rules apply to wild camping from the respective municipality or the local police. After all, you don't want to be rudely awakened by a blue light siren and possibly have to pay a fine. Moreover, it is also important for the animals and nature that you abide by the applicable laws. In order not to disturb wild animals, camping in national parks, nature reserves, federal hunting ban areas and wildlife rest areas is prohibited.

How do I find a suitable outdoor sleeping spot?

The choice of campsite is the most important decision when it comes to sleeping outdoors. The chosen location should offer sufficient protection from the weather and not be too close to a river, as rising damp can become a problem. However, a dry place to sleep is not enough on its own, as it should be within easy walking distance. If you want to stay on the safe side as a beginner, designated trekking sites where it is permitted to spend the night outdoors are a good choice. Some areas for barbecuing or picnics can also be used as a place to sleep, but your sleep could be disturbed by other people who want to party late into the night. Choose a quieter place to sleep if you want your sleep experience to not be spoiled by unwanted noise.

draussen zelten

By the way: If you want to test the waters and check out if spending the night outdoors is something you'd enjoy before you actually do it, you can also set up camp in your own backyard. Here, too, you can do some stargazing and the comfort of your home is only a few steps away if it gets too cold or uncomfortable outside. 

Sleeping bag or hammock: which sleeping surface offers the most comfort?

Spending restful nights out in nature requires more than just a simple sleeping bag. Even if the idea of simply setting off and taking things as they come sounds appealing, your night could be a little uncomfortable without any preparation. In summer, it can be particularly uncomfortable without a mosquito net. And in case the weather suddenly turns nasty, it's worth having a tarp in your luggage. If you spend the night in a hammock, you have the advantage of being able to escape the rising ground cold. However, you should only use special straps that won't damage the trees. If you prefer to sleep in a sleeping bag, you should place a sleeping mat or picnic blanket underneath to keep you dry at night. Regardless of the sleeping surface you choose, a flashlight is an absolute must. After all, if you wake up at night and have to leave your campsite to go to the bathroom, you want to be able to see where you're going. 

Helpful tips: How to make your night outdoors a success

If you want your first night under the stars to be a complete success, the following these tips will be a real lifesaver. 

1. Insect repellent: We've mentioned it briefly before, but mosquitoes are one of the main reasons why some people shy away from spending the night in the great outdoors. After all, who wants to return home covered in bites and be reminded of the unpleasant experience days later by the itching? When setting up camp, don't just make sure you have a mosquito net, but also inspect the ground for any ant trails.


2. Cooking equipment: The sleeping bags are packed and the tent is ready? When we prepare for a night outdoors, we often forget about the next morning. For example, how are you going to enjoy a balanced breakfast when you wake up if you've accidentally left your food and camping stove at home? But remember: As soon as you've eaten, it's important to wash up quickly so that your dirty dishes and leftover food don't attract insects or other animals.

3. Pillow: For most people, lying completely flat on the floor is uncomfortable when sleeping. Your sleep will probably also be more comfortable if you position your head slightly elevated. If you have to make do with little luggage, special travel pillows are ideal. They are filled with synthetic fibers and are therefore particularly lightweight. If, on the other hand, you are traveling by car and have more space, you can take a high-quality pillow with you for even more comfort, which provides optimum support for your head and neck.

4. Campfire: Watching the stars and warming up by the campfire - sounds like a perfect evening! But open fires can be dangerous in the great outdoors. Be aware of the risk of forest fires and make sure you use existing fireplaces to preserve nature. After all, every newly built campfire destroys the soil and vegetation.

Photo credits:

anatoliy gleb /
Kateryna Kukota /
vgaijc/ Dejan Dundjerski /

Tags: travel, sleep better
Categories: Good Night