Here's how reading in bed affects your sleep

Reading in bed is really cozy. Who doesn't enjoy curling up in their favorite cozy blanket and forgetting the stresses of everyday life with a good book? But what about the quality of your sleep when you pick up a book before going to bed? Here's the surprising answer.
Is reading in bed a good idea?
Good sleep hygiene helps to ensure that you have a pleasant night's rest and enjoy optimal sleep quality. Reading in bed is considered a particularly relaxing habit, so much so that you often hear the advice to turn to a book if you have trouble falling asleep. And indeed, for many dreamers, evening reading is a beloved ritual that de-stresses them and prepares them for a good night's rest. Snuggled up nicely in bed, the body can relax, and the mind also escapes the stress of everyday life and can focus on a nice story. Since stress is considered the number one killer of falling asleep, it's especially helpful for worry-ridden sleepers to do a little browsing before bedtime. Instead of dwelling on their problems, a book whisks them away to another world and distracts them from their stress. The relaxing effect is also measurable physically: anyone who is stressed in the evening and reads a book to wind down slows down their heart rate and the stress-induced muscle tension also relaxes.
How reading in the evening affects the quality of sleep
If reading in bed has been proven to reduce stress, then this good habit must also improve sleep quality, right? Indeed, reading seems to have a positive effect on sleep primarily because it doesn't upset the natural sleep-wake rhythm. On the other hand, many other evening activities, such as watching TV or scrolling on social media, are suspected of inhibiting melatonin production. This could be because the blue light emitted by screens and electronic devices confuses our bodies, which need darkness in the evening to produce sufficient amounts of the sleep hormone. Those who are constantly using their cell phones and electronic devices before bedtime could therefore unwittingly confuse their biorhythms so that falling asleep is postponed significantly. In addition to artificial light, it is above all the content of the media that can have a strong stimulating effect and thus promote sleep problems. News of violence and catastrophes or action-packed series with explosions, gun fights and fast-paced car chases can raise adrenaline levels and make it difficult to fall asleep. With a book, on the other hand, we enjoy sufficient stimulation without our imagination running riot or too much adrenaline being released. This way, we feel well entertained and can, as it were, gently prepare our bodies for a good night's sleep.
Who would be better off not reading in bed?
Reading in bed relaxes body and mind, reduces stress, and can thus make it easier to fall asleep. The above sounds like a good general recommendation for reading in the evening. In principle, the benefits of reading in bed outweigh the disadvantages, so most dreamers can enrich their sleep hygiene by reading in bed. There seems to be only one exception: Those who suffer from severe sleep problems should first find their way back to a regular sleeping pattern. Many people who can't fall asleep will benefit from generally reducing the amount of time they spend in bed. If you only go to bed when you are truly tired, you increase your chances of falling asleep soon afterwards. If, on the other hand, the brain associates other activities with being in bed, such as watching television or reading, this can unnecessarily add fuel to the fire in the case of an existing sleep disorder. Once the sleep problems have been resolved, those affected can of course return to their favorite book in the evening.
How to make reading in bed a perfect experience
If you plan on doing some reading in bed and want to be especially comfortable, you can ensure unadulterated reading pleasure with the right accessories. For example, a flexible reading lamp that does not irritate your eyes and provides you with precise reading light is indispensable. With our Swissflex LED reading light, you can illuminate your side of the bed and enjoy your evening browsing without disturbing your bed partner in his sleep.
The reading experience is made even more comfortable by one of our electric slat bases. The uni 14 bridge®, for example, allows you to adjust the desired sitting position from the comfort of your bed. You can raise the head and back sections, for instance, to recline comfortably while reading and put your feet up at the same time - for wonderfully relaxed reading hours.
Photo credits:
Vadim Spoiala / Getty
Latino Life /
RuslanDashinsky / Getty
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