How to prevent neck pain

Neck pain is something that every person has experienced at some point. But what causes the nasty pain in your neck when you get up? A comfortable mattress, but also the right support for your back, spine, shoulder, head, and neck is important, so that you wake up well rested the next morning and without any pain. Find out what you can do to maintain a healthy lying position during sleep and which pillow is particularly effective in preventing neck pain.
Neck pain upon waking up - a rude awakening
Neck pain prevents us from feeling rested despite getting a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, tension and pain in the shoulder or neck is an ailment that plagues many people. Tension occurs when a muscle hardens, for example in your neck. The causes of the subsequent neck pain can be stress, excessive strain, but also (pre-existing) conditions such as osteoarthritis or local inflammation. The inflammation can occur in different parts of the body: the nerves in the neck area, the muscles, a vertebra, or the intervertebral discs. The result is usually severe pain in the back or neck. You've probably woken up in the morning too, only to be greeted by a stiff neck and pain in your shoulders. Certainly, you did not imagine your start to the day to be like this. Surely you didn't imagine your start to the day for your body to be this stiff and in pain.
But the consequences of tightness and pain in your neck or back can not only spoil your morning but accompany you throughout the day. If you sit in front of a computer in an office job and work at a screen maintaining the same posture all day, your muscles often stiffen even more, and the symptoms and pain worsen. But even if you're in an active job, you'll feel physically limited by neck pain and won't be as productive as you should be after a restful night's sleep. No wonder, after all, how are you supposed to concentrate when you're in constant pain? It is therefore perfectly understandable that you would like to find out the cause of muscle tension and pain in your neck so that you can tackle the problem, start treating the symptoms, and finally enjoy a wonderful night's sleep without pain again.
What causes neck pain during sleep?
There are a number of factors that can lead to neck pain. Below, we'll introduce you to the four most common causes and then tell you how to successfully prevent neck pain.
Cause no. 1: an unhealthy sleeping position
What is your favorite sleeping position? An uncomfortable position during the night's rest is reason number one for nasty neck pain the next morning. After all, we sleep an average of eight hours – a long time if you sleep in an unhealthy position. Thus, it's no surprise when the neck, shoulders, or back are affected and start to ache. An ergonomic lying position, on the other hand, protects the sensitive area around the (cervical) spine and is essential for a restful sleep experience. Only if you enjoy a comfortable lying position, your muscles can relax properly while you sleep and prevent pain.
For a relieving sleeping position, it is important that the head and spine form a straight line when lying on the side and that the pelvis and your shoulder can sink sufficiently into the mattress. A pillow that is too flat or too high can also promote neck pain. An unsuitable pillow height may result in the cervical spine being overstretched, which in turn leads to discomfort and pain after waking up.
Cause no. 2: being overworked and stressed
Stress is the primary sleep killer. If you feel mentally under pressure or spend the whole day dealing with problems at work, you often take them to bed with you at night. Circling thoughts not only make it difficult to fall asleep, but also mess up your entire sleep cycle. If you don't get enough deep sleep, your muscles can't regenerate sufficiently at night and thus neck pain easily takes hold. If you feel that the stress just won't go away, consider talking to a doctor or going to therapy. A doctor or some other form of treatment can help you deal with stress and problems better and even get rid of them altogether. That way, you'll be one step closer to avoiding neck pain.
Cause no. 3: having a sedentary lifestyle
Sitting for hours on end is not ideal for us humans. If we do not move our muscles sufficiently, they are not supplied with enough oxygen and important nutrients. Moreover, many people adopt the wrong posture in everyday life and tend to slouch at work or sit bent over in their office chair. This kind of posture puts permanent strain on the spine and muscles, which can cause the muscles to cramp and the spine to become deformed. Which in turn results in pain and discomfort in the back and neck.
As a result, our muscles, vertebrae, nerves, ligaments and tendons are squeezed and it's easier to experience tension and pain. These pains in turn lead to poor sleep at night. After all, if you go to bed in pain, it is difficult to find the physical relaxation you need. In this case, important regeneration processes can only take place insufficiently and you wake up with even worse neck pain the following morning – a vicious circle.
Cause no. 4: an unsuitable sleeping climate
Many people are often only marginally concerned with the sleeping climate. However, neck pain can also be caused by drafts. Especially if you like to sleep with the window open in the summer or the air conditioning is set too cold, you run the risk of waking up with painful tension in your neck.
How to protect the sensitive neck area during the night
Neck pain after waking up can be prevented. Here are three effective tips to give your back, neck, and shoulders a treat and put an end to muscle tension and pain.
Better stress management
A balanced mind is the best prerequisite for a restful night's sleep. If you're plagued by neck pain, it's especially important that you take time to unwind during the day. Integrating meditation or yoga exercises into your evening routine has proven to be a good way of preparing your body and mind for sleep. Autogenic training or listening to a sleep podcast can also relax your body and banish worries and neck pain.
Sufficient exercise
Moving regularly in your daily routine is important for healthy muscles and pain prevention. If you suspect your neck pain is mainly due to an inactive lifestyle, it's worth making sure you get more exercise in your daily routine. Take the bike to work or get off one stop before your intended stop, use your lunch break for a brisk walk, and get up from your desk regularly to stretch your legs a bit. If you can find a sport you enjoy, you'll be well on your way to fighting neck pain and tension. Plus, it'll benefit your physical health, too!
The right bed system
A mattress with the wrong firmness level can lead to overstretching of your sensitive cervical spine, as can a pillow that is too high or too low. Neck pain in the morning becomes almost inevitable. To make it easier for you to maintain a healthy lying position during the night and give your head and neck the necessary support, we at Swissflex have developed special neck support pillows. Thanks to its ergonomic shape, our SF GELTEX® pillow molds itself to your head and shoulder area and at the same time ensures a pleasant sleeping climate. The SF 10 pillow also promises high comfort for your head, neck, and cervical spine. Different pillow heights ensure that you find the right model for you, and the special shape enables a restful head position. With the correct pillow and mattress, neck pain won't stand a chance!
Relieve tension and neck pain
If you still wake up in the morning with tension or pain in your neck, shoulder, or back, don't despair. Here are some ways to relieve some of the tension in your muscles and get rid of the pain:
Heat promotes blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. For example, a nice warm bath, a heating pad, a warming ointment, or a heat patch can help relieve pain in your neck.
Find an exercise for each affected muscle group with which you can stretch the corresponding muscle. This can also help relieve tension. Simply hold the position of the exercise for 30-60 seconds and then carefully release it again. You can repeat the exercises several times throughout the day and you will be rid of pain and discomfort in no time.
A massage kills two birds with one stone, since it not only relaxes the body, but also the mind. Ask your partner to give you a massage while you watch TV in the evening. You can also massage yourself with a massage ball or a fascia roller on your neck or back and get rid of the pain on your own.
Magnesium plays a major role in muscle contraction and the communication between nerve and muscle cells. It is therefore important that we always consume enough magnesium. It is found in foods such as bananas, oatmeal, and nuts. However, magnesium is also available at drugstores in powder form or as tablets, which you can simply dissolve in water and drink.
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