Gymnastics in bed for morning fitness

Gymnastics in bed
21. March 2023

Gymnastics in bed is an easy way to incorporate more exercise into your morning. You can easily perform the fitness exercises directly after waking up, without having to leave your cozy bed. The fact that the practical workout in bed is also effective should convince even the last skeptic to give this fitness routine a try. And afterwards, you're sure to feel wide awake and start your day full of energy.   

Why is exercise in the morning so difficult? 

Getting up in the morning is difficult for many people. The warm bed is so cozy and the thought of sleeping a few more minutes is very tempting. Gymnastics in bed could be the solution for all late sleepers who have trouble getting up in the morning. Because you can conveniently do your morning exercise right in bed. This eliminates some important hurdles that often prevent less motivated gym-goers from carrying out their plans: You don't have to drag yourself out of bed, throw on your gym clothes, or drive to the gym first. Instead, get started right away and reap the benefits of exercise in the morning. 

What are the benefits of gymnastics in bed? 

Gymnastics in bed is easy to do and you don't need any special equipment to start your fitness program. But even beyond these benefits, exercise in the morning is good for you and your body.  These are the perks you can look forward to: 

  • Exercise puts you in a good mood, because it releases happiness hormones such as serotonin and dopamine.  
  • Your metabolism is boosted, and you have more energy available. 
  • After gymnastics in bed, the adrenaline that is released allows you to concentrate better and you feel wide awake. 
  • You can exercise in peace and quiet, as no one will disturb you in your bed. 
  • Morning exercise strengthens your immune system. 
  • Exercise lowers your stress level, so overall you feel more relaxed. 

Morgens gut gelaunt

Gymnastics in bed: the best exercises for beginners

Whether you want to work your abs, legs or butt, our selection of beginner-friendly exercises caters to everyone. You can do the gymnastics in bed alone or together with a second person. It's even more fun in pairs and you can motivate each other. 

Gymnastik Bett

1. Cycling lying down for toned thighs 

Get into supine position and stretch your legs out in front of you at a 90-degree angle. Imagine you are pedaling your bicycle. Move your legs vigorously up and down in the air. After 30 seconds you can briefly put your feet down on the mattress. Repeat the exercise a total of five times. Advanced users can modify the exercise and alternate pedaling forward and backward.  

2. Leg lifter for a firm bottom 

Stand on all fours, knees bent, and arms extended. Raise your left leg at a right angle to the level of your buttocks and lower it again. After 30 repetitions, switch legs and do the exercise 30 times with your right leg. 

3. Scissor kick for abdominal and hip muscles 

Lie on your back with your legs extended and your arms relaxed beside your body or under your buttocks. Now lift your legs at about a 30- to 40-degree angle and cross your legs alternately in the air. There should be a dynamic movement. Repeat the scissor kick about 20 times before placing the feet back on the mattress.  

4. Lateral Leg Lift for thighs and buttocks 

Lie on your side - it is up to you which side you start with. Place the hand of the upper arm in front of your body on the mattress, the other arm bent under your head. Your legs are stretched out one above the other. Now slowly raise the top leg and hold it at about a 45-degree angle for a few seconds. The hips and upper body should not move, the strength should come from the abdominal muscles. Slowly lower the leg again and repeat the exercise 20 times. Then switch sides. 

Photo credits:

AndreyPopov /
Dean Drobot /
Aleksandar Nakic /

Categories: Sleep Life Balance