Here's What You Can Do if You Have Cold Feet at Night

Having cold feet at night is a common problem, especially in winter. The uncomfortable cold feeling in your feet prevents you from being able to relax as deserved. Often, the quality of your night's sleep suffers. After all, if you're cold, it takes you longer to fall asleep or you can't sleep through the night properly. When you wake up the next morning, instead of feeling fresh and wide awake, you often feel sluggish. This doesn't have to be the case: We've taken a closer look at the causes of cold feet at night and put together some effective tips to help you get rid of the problem so that you can sleep well again and wake up fully refreshed.
What is the reason for getting cold feet at night?
Having cold feet at night is an experience that probably everyone has had. The problem occurs mainly in the cold season, when the temperature outside drops to a low point and we also long for more warmth and coziness inside. So even though you're snuggled up in your cozy bed, your hand and feet are freezing initially. When your fingers and toes feel as cold as ice, it's not only annoying, but it can also cloud your sleep experience. Many people have trouble falling asleep when they're not warm enough, or they startle from sleep in the middle of the night. Deep relaxation does not occur as a result, and the expected rest often fails to materialize. But is winter the only cause of cold feet at night?
Our body is smart. When it gets too cold, it pumps the blood to the life-supporting organs first. Only when the brain, the chest, and the abdomen are optimally supplied with blood does it take care of the extremities. This is why your hands and feet freeze first. Thus, this increased sensation of cold is ultimately due to circulatory disorders. If you get cold feet at night all year round, you should have yourself checked out by your doctor, as circulatory disorders can lead to a serious illness. Vascular deposits and constrictions can be the cause. Smoking, excessive body weight, and lack of exercise can also impede circulation and manifest in cold feet. People with diabetes or unbalanced hormone levels are also more likely to experience the problem of cold feet at night.
What tips will warm up my feet?
Since so many people experience cold feet at night, you can now find numerous tips on the Internet for keeping your feet warm. You've probably already tried one or two of these tips. One particularly popular recommendation is to wrap your feet in several layers of socks. But even thick, cozy wool socks or a heavy blanket often don't help. What really helps are our effective tips to prevent cold feet:
Preheating the bed
To support an optimal sleeping climate, the bedroom temperature should not be too high. But in winter, the recommended 16 to 18 °C quickly seem too cold and particularly your feet start to freeze when you slip into your bed in the evening. What helps against this? Preheat your bed! You can place a hot water bottle at the foot end under the comforter about 15 to 20 minutes before bedtime to warm up the area. This way, the fabric of the comforter and fitted sheet won't feel quite as cold on your feet. In winter, it's also a good idea to go for fluffy bedding if you're prone to cold feet. Beaver bedding and flannel sheets are best for a warm, comfortable feeling – which guarantees restful sleep.
Healthy diet
What does the food you eat have to do with your feet? As a matter of fact, a healthy diet is the best insurance against cold feet. A lack of nutrients is often responsible for the fact that your body is not optimally supplied with blood. If your body lacks important vitamins and minerals, your metabolism cannot work optimally. A magnesium deficiency in particular can promote circulatory disorders, which can cause your hand and feet to get cold at night. Make sure you eat a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, even in winter – this can also help prevent colds.
Warm foot bath
Warming up cold feet at night feels especially soothing with a foot bath. Dipping your cold toes in warm water is also an effective relaxation ritual that makes you feel warm, and it thus becomes easier to fall asleep. Try different additives such as lavender flowers to increase the soothing effect even more. Afterwards, a foot massage ensures that your feet are well supplied with blood, which warms them up even more quickly.
Sufficient exercise
After a hard day, hardly anyone feels like lacing up their sneakers and working out before bed. We'd rather put on some cozy socks, hole up in the living room in front of the TV, and let our favorite series lull us to sleep. If you are mostly physically inactive during the day as well as in the evening, it may be the cause of being held awake by cold feet at night. We need enough exercise to stimulate our blood circulation. Being active not only promotes a balanced mood, but also gives you a better quality of sleep. Incorporate a leisurely walk after dinner into your routine and see how good you feel afterwards.
Choosing a nightcap wisely
Who doesn't like to indulge in a delicious nightcap before bedtime? As long as you choose non-alcoholic drinks, there's nothing wrong with this delicious feel-good ritual. Red wine, beer, and vodka, on the other hand, have a dehydrating effect. This causes your blood vessels in your body to dilate and thus your skin is supplied with more blood. As a result, your internal organs have a reduced blood supply – which causes your hands and feet to feel cold as ice. Therefore, it is better to reach for a soothing herbal tea or a delicious cup of hot chocolate before you go to bed.
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