Why the bedtime sweets deserve a comeback

Do bedtime sweets have a fixed place in your sleep routine? Or are you one of those who only remember the bedtime snack from visits to grandma or as a small gift from hotels? Whether you are pro or con, we want to get you thinking a little by showing you the incredible diversity that lies behind the term “bedtime sweets”. One thing up front: once you have found the right bedtime treat for you, they can have a positive effect on the quality of your sleep. Therefore, it is really rewarding to take an open look at the concept.
Bedtime sweets – What exactly are they?
Bedtime sweets are not common in most households. And in fact, it's not clear to everyone what it's all about. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the bedtime snack has its own name. While people in Germany and Austria refer to it as "Betthupferl," in Switzerland the sweets are called "Bettmümpfeli. If you look at the origin of the word, the meaning quickly becomes clear: the word Betthupferl is made up of the noun "bed" and the Bavarian or Austrian verb for hopping or jumping. Enjoying the bedtime snack is the last thing you do during the day - before you jump into bed.
And this is also the understanding that most people have of the expression nowadays. So, it is no wonder that the concept has lost massive popularity in times of healthy living, interval fasting and low-carb diets. After all, very few people want to send their insulin levels on a rollercoaster ride, and certainly not right before bedtime. But what if the bedtime sweets could be more than chocolates or gummies? Not only sweets have earned the name bedtime treats. In a general sense, the term can be applied to anything that makes going to bed a little sweeter. And that is exactly why we think the bedtime treats have earned a comeback. We will tell you why you should crown your sleep ritual with a little something special and what that could be.
Bedtime treats – as individual as your sleeping habits
We believe that the bedtime sweets have only fallen into bad repute because the term is too strictly defined. But what would happen if you were to listen carefully to your needs? Concentrate on the things that help you to relax before going to bed. Then you are automatically on the right track to finding your personal bedtime treats. It should be a small gesture of attention to help you sweeten your sleep routine. This is how you express appreciation for yourself and find more satisfaction. When you feel balanced, other aspects of your life benefit from your change in mindset - especially the quality of your sleep!
Bedtime sweets for adults
If you have read this far, you already know that bedtime sweets can come in many forms. But if you want more inspiration, here are some relaxation rituals to sweeten your dreams. A true classic, for example, is a hot drink of your choice, such as a cup of hot herbal tea. This has a calming effect on your senses and puts you in a pleasant state of relaxation after a hard day's work. To turn a simple cup of tea into bedtime treats, make the ritual special. Use your best dishes and grab a cozy blanket for even more comfort.
Even a small piece of exquisite quality chocolate with a high cocoa content can sweeten your cup of tea a little more. The most important thing is to pay attention to how you feel about it. If you find that a hot chocolate has a stimulating effect on you and makes it difficult to fall asleep, another form of luxury may be suitable as bedtime sweets, such as a full bath with essential oils or a massage. A bedtime treat can also be fifteen minutes of me-time where you retreat, listen to some music, or do breathing exercises.
In the end, it is all about consciously wanting to do something good for yourself before going to bed to positively influence your sleep experience.
Bedtime sweets for children
For young children in particular, going to sleep should be a positive experience that they look forward to. The best way to achieve this is for parents to reduce stress as much as possible and to maintain a good sleep hygiene. Bedtime should be understood as a shared experience that creates closeness and connects the individual family members with each other. An ideal way to implement this idea of bedtime sweets is through bedtime stories. They give the little ones the opportunity to snuggle up in bed together with their parents and immerse themselves in fascinating worlds. The children benefit not only from the loving stories, but especially from the time and attention their parents give them. This sweetens their sleeping experience incredibly – without affecting a healthy nutrition.
We hope that by now you are convinced of the importance of bedtime treats. Treat yourself to a little moment of luxury just for you and sweeten your dreams. Good night!
Photo credits:
Lisa / pexels.com
Joyful / unsplash.com
Dominika Roseclay / pexels.com
Picsea / unsplash.com