Adjusting to a new mattress

Is there a period of adjustment for new mattresses? This question often occurs after buying a mattress. The uncertainty grows even more, if the first night on the new mattress feels unfamiliar. Find out what the adjustment period is all about.
This is how long it takes to adjust to the mattress
The joy of the new mattress is enormous - but then this: when you tested the mattress, it felt different somehow. How can that be? Due to external influences, new mattresses often become a little softer with time. Temperature, humidity and, of course, the regular use affect the mattress. The mattresses in the retailers’ showrooms have already gone through this adjustment phase and therefore often appear softer than their brand-new counterparts. You should allow your mattress about four to six weeks of adjustment so that it can unfold its full comfort.
Adjustment for the body
You have probably been sleeping on your old mattress for some years, haven’t you? When the familiar lying surface is suddenly exchanged for a new one, it is also a change for the body. Usually it does not take very long to get used to the new mattress, so that the body feels comfortable with the new lying sensation after a few days. The more the old mattress differs from the new mattress, due to a different mattress core or level of firmness for example, the more likely it is for the adjustment period to last a few days longer.
The right mattress care - even after the adjustment period
Here are a few simple tips to support the longevity of your mattress and to maintain your mattress beyond the adjustment period. It is best for the mattress if you do not make your bed as soon as you get up. Fold back the blanket in the morning so that the lying surface is exposed. This makes it easier for the mattress to release the moisture absorbed overnight into the air. Therefore, it is also advisable not to use a bedspread - the easier the ventilation is, the better. Another part of mattress care concerns the room climate. The ideal humidity in the bedroom is between 40% and 60%. This prevents mould or mould stains. The symmetrical structure of the mattress core allows many mattresses to be turned and, in some cases, turned over. Make regular use of this possibility after the adjustment period! This way the mattress is used evenly, and longevity is supported.
Can the new mattress cause tension?
If tension in the neck or back pain appear after the first few nights on the new mattress, the cause usually lies elsewhere. When changing mattresses many people forget one important thing: the pillow. The pillow contributes to a comfortable sleeping position and supports a healthy posture of head and shoulders during sleep. A different pillow may fit the new mattress better, for example because the shoulders sink into the lying surface differently than before. Make sure that the chest and cervical spine form a straight line. Your retailer can advise you which pillow contributes to a healthy sleeping position and suits you best.
Tips for a successful adjustment period
In order to keep the adjustment period of the mattress as short as possible, you should create optimal conditions for healthy sleep. If the old mattress must be removed, this is a good opportunity to replace the pillow as well. A neck support pillow, for example, helps to prevent pain in the neck or shoulder area and provides extra comfort. Make sure that the bedroom has a relaxing atmosphere as well. In addition to the ideal room temperature between 15 °C and 18 °C, it is also important that the room can be darkened easily. Finally, you should try to leave the stress of everyday life outside the bedroom. Tension is not necessarily caused by the new mattress. Instead it may occur because the body is cramped and does not relax properly. Take your new mattress as an occasion to celebrate a good night's sleep! Make yourself comfortable in bed with a book or just snuggle up to chat with your sweetheart. This way, relaxation will slowly set in and you can really enjoy the new comfort experience!