Morning rituals for a good start into the day

Whether it is drinking coffee after getting up in the morning or reading the newspaper at the breakfast table: Most people have morning rituals. But not all of them help us equally to start our day with a high energy level. We want to introduce you to a few particularly effective morning rituals that can easily be integrated into your existing routine. This way you do not have to throw your favorite activities out the window and still benefit from more energy in the morning.
- This is why we need morning rituals
- Morning ritual 1 - Start the day with mindfulness
- Morning ritual 2 - Drink water
- Morning ritual 3 - Yoga for high energy levels
- Morning ritual 4 - Delicious breakfast
This is why we need morning rituals
Morning rituals have an important place in many people's daily routines. Because they not only help us structure our day, but also have a positive effect on our mood and energy levels. How helpful they are, can be easily determined by a little thought experiment. Imagine your alarm clock ringing in the morning, but you just stay in bed. The idea may sound tempting at first, but if we do nothing for a long period of time, our motivation level drops. That means you will have a much harder time getting yourself up to do anything. Let us take the scenario a step further: Without paying attention to the time, you would eventually be reminded by your partner that you are supposed to be at work, an important appointment or something similar right now. Now, you have to convince yourself with a lot of willpower to finally get out of bed and get ready in a few minutes, feeling stressed out already. But you still have the whole day ahead of you. Now it should be clear why you lay the foundation for a successful day with the right morning rituals. The right start gives you strength and frees your mind so that you are well equipped for the challenges of your daily work.Morning ritual 1 - Start the day with mindfulness
Morning rituals do not have to be complex. Our first tip can be implemented with ease, but has an impact that should not be underestimated. Before you even get out of bed, take 5 minutes to set your intentions for the day. Visualize what you want to accomplish that day and which activities you are most looking forward to. If you cannot think of anything special, you can cultivate gratitude instead. Think about what you are grateful for on this day. Often it is the little things in life: maybe waking up next to your favorite person fills you with gratitude, or hearing your children's laughter from the room next door. With this simple exercise, you will start your day with a smile and you will probably find it easier to get out of bed. For even more deceleration you can additionally take some time to consciously feel your breath. If you like, you can expand this into a little meditation in the morning.Morning ritual 2 - Drink water
After you have determined what you want to accomplish during the day, it is time to get out of bed. But before your way leads you to the bathroom to get ready, it is best to make a side trip to the kitchen. There you should pour yourself a big glass of water. Even if we are not aware of it, we lose a lot of fluid during sleep. Therefore, it is especially important to refill your water stores in the morning. With this simple morning ritual, you will ensure mental clarity and prevent headaches, concentration difficulties or other signs of dehydration.
Morning ritual 3 - Yoga for high energy levels
If you are interested in morning rituals that provide maximum relaxation and high energy levels, then you might consider yoga in the morning. Admittedly: To incorporate a round of gentle exercise into your morning routine, you may have to get up a little earlier than usual. But it is worth it! Because afterwards you will feel more energetic - not only physically, but also mentally. The best part: To benefit from the stimulating effect of yoga, just 10 minutes in the morning is enough. But since it is so much fun, you may even want to take a longer session...
Morning ritual 4 - Delicious breakfast
How do blueberry pancakes for breakfast sound to you? Breakfast is probably one of the most delicious morning rituals and can be wonderfully relaxing. If you share the preparation with your partner and take turns preparing breakfast, the effort will be limited. But what to do if you are just not hungry in the morning or do not have enough time for an extended meal? It is important to listen to your body. If you are not hungry when you get up, but will be in the office later, you can easily prepare your breakfast the night before and take it to work. Fruit salad, overnight oats, a sandwich with hummus and avocado or a smoothie bowl are all quickly prepared and give you plenty of power for the day.
Photo credits:
Ba Tik / pexels.comJoanna Kosinska /
Dane Wetton /
Ben Kolde /