Easy-care quality

Our products are highly durable due to the high-quality materials and excellent workmanship.


Swissflex mattress covers are removable; all models can be cleaned or washed and suitable for people allergic to dust. Outstanding in terms of the highest hygiene requirements, our models have undergone special antibacterial treatment.

All mattress covers can be dry cleaned every 2-3 years or washed following the instructions on the label (depending on the model).

Perspiration and airing

Our high quality materials, which consist mainly of natural fibres, are exceptionally air-permeable and quickly remove perspiration. To allow the mattresses to “breathe”, you should not cover them with heavy slipcovers.

Room temperature, airing, moisture

Bedrooms should be aired well during the day. The ideal temperature is 14-18°C and the ideal humidity is 60% at most. This creates the optimal healthy sleeping surroundings and supports the longevity of your Swissflex sleep system.

Slat bases

Our slat bases are built robustly and extremely durable. They do not require any special care. You can remove dust and stains with a dry cloth.

Cleaning mattresses

The mattresses should be brushed regularly with a soft brush. Hoovering or beating is not recommended. This can create lumps and irregularity in the materials.

Turning mattresses

Ideally, you should turn your Swissflex mattress every time you change the sheets. This varies the pressure and helps regenerate the natural materials.

The strong handles on our mattresses make it easy for you - they help you continue to optimise your sleep comfort for many years.